说起云南野生菌火锅,真是食品界的一门艺术,从选材到烹饪,每一步都需要精心准备。Speaking of Yunnan wild mushroom hotpot, it is truly an art in the culinary world. From selecting ingredients to cooking, every step requires meticulous preparation.在云南,野生菌种类也很多,松茸、黄牛肝、白牛肝、青头菌、鸡油菌、珊瑚菌、见手青……品尝野生菌火锅真的是一种享受。当各种菌子在滚烫的汤底中翻滚时,散发出阵阵诱人的香气。菌汤锅鲜香浓郁,特别好喝,一定要先喝汤!In Yunnan, there are many varieties of wild mushrooms, including matsutake, yellow beef liver mushrooms, white beef liver mushrooms, blue cap mushrooms, chanterelles, coral mushrooms, and lurid bolete. Tasting wild mushroom hotpot is truly an enjoyable experience. As various mushrooms tumble in the boiling broth, they emit an enticing aroma. The mushroom soup is rich and fragrant, incredibly delicious. You must drink the soup first!夹起一片菌子放入口中,那种鲜美的滋味瞬间在舌尖绽放,让人陶醉其中!需要注意的是,有些菌子在没有熟透的时候仍然还有一定的毒性,想安全的品尝菌菇,一定要等待熟透了之后再品尝!Picking up a slice of mushroom and putting it in your mouth, the fresh and savory flavor instantly blooms on your tongue, making you revel in it! It is important to note that some mushrooms still have certain toxicities when not fully cooked. To safely enjoy the mushrooms, make sure they are thoroughly cooked before tasting!责编:易卓